Competition Information
Here you will find information regarding competition if you are considering competing but need more details to decide. If you are a member and you are looking for competition resources, the HOSA competition website is linked here and you can search there for resources. You can also reach out to our Dulles HOSA Competition Advisors if you need any advice or resources, or if you have any questions regarding competition.
What is HOSA competition?
Competitive events are designed to motivate HOSA members to improve their knowledge and skills. HOSA provides a national competitive events program as a means of recognizing those students who are willing to pursue excellence by preparing for competition and having the determination to attend a conference and participate in a competitive event.
Why compete?
Members who compete learn important study and time management skills, as well as communication or teamwork skills depending on which competition event a member participates in. Additionally, advancing to State or National level competition is advantageous in college applications, exposes you to scholarships, and more!
What are the levels of competition?
The levels are regional, state, and international.
Placing in the top specified places in a certain level can qualify you for the next level of competition.
Any links for more competition information?
Of course! The link below will connect you to the HOSA Competition website, where you can learn more about specific competition events and get additional resources to prepare for an event.